JYJ’s “In Heaven”: Bidding farewell to mainstream K-pop




JYJ released the music video for the title track of their new album, In Heaven, yesterday. To be honest, I wasn’t flailing over my desk in excitement over the new video…but I was excited to finally hear a recording of “In Heaven” that wasn’t disgraced by inappropriately placed fangirl screams in the background.

The music video certainly isn’t your everyday, ankle-deep K-pop MV fare, which is definitely something to be thankful for. But it seemed to me that the dramatic nature of the video was trying to compete with the dramatic nature of the song…and in the end, both sides lose. “In Heaven” is a really great song – arguably one of JYJ’s most impressive works to date – and the MV was shot really well, despite having a painfully cliched storyline. The two individual components of the MV – the song and the videography  - tug at the heartstrings in just the right way when presented alone. But put it together and it tends to cheapen the effectiveness of either component.

Though at times it may not seem like it, I have a lot of respect for JYJ. I really do. Granted, I don’t agree with a lot of things they’ve done – sue SM, produce the atrocity that was “Ayyy Girl,” spam photos of their cats via Twitter…amongst others. Nor do I feel all that bad for them and their current situation. Sure, it sucks to be constantly cockblocked by every television network in Korea, and they’ve probably made more enemies in the entertainment world than friends within these past few years. On the surface, JYJ’s story is pretty tragic: they gave up the glory of being in one of the most celebrated Asian pop acts in K-pop history so they could pursue their true dreams…and in return, the entire K-pop industry avoids them like a Damascene crowd fleeing from a trio of lepers.

But even so, I don’t pity them too much because I think that ultimately, they’re gonna be okay.

As someone who spends a lot of time examining K-pop in detail, I find it difficult to view JYJ’s music in the same way that I view most other K-pop music. To me, K-pop is defined by trends and their influence throughout the K-pop spectrum, as well as their evolution with every new promotional concept. Within mainstream K-pop, every ‘fresh’ concept is a derivation from an old idea, which is why K-pop music oftentimes comes across as being redundant and unoriginal. But in the same way, redundancy is arguably what keeps a loyal fanbase coming back for more.

Back in their heyday as a five-membered group, DBSK was arguably a leader of trends within the mainstream K-pop scene. But now, JYJ has detached themselves from mainstream K-pop, and thus has detached themselves from mainstream K-pop trends as well.

And that’s kind of amazing, if you really think about it.

The current trend-based K-pop system is manufactured in a way that allows little to no musical or artistic flexibility, which is a pretty sucky situation when it comes to K-pop idols who are clearly in it for something more than mere popularity awards or fangirls worshipping them at their feet. I’d be more than willing to argue that JYJ’s principal reason for leaving SM wasn’t merely financial, and that it probably had something to do with the fact that Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu have long proven themselves to be competent musicians that are capable of making music outside of the confines of an entertainment institution like SM.

Even when SM allows one of their artists to put a self-composed work on an upcoming album, it rarely makes it onto the album’s version A tracklist and is often relegated to Bonus-Track-Land on the repackage version. Needless to say, there’s no way in hell SM (or any other K-pop company, for that matter) would ever let an idol’s self-composed work serve as a promotional single. In the end, K-pop artists serve as vehicles for trends – but if the current trend is defined by autotune and shiny spandex pants and made-up words that end in “-tic”….well, I’d want out, too.

JYJ’s been effectively exiled from the mainstream K-pop scene, sure. But at the same time, they’ve also been freed of the burden of keeping up with the trends and sacrificing artistry for the sake of profit. The end result? Few promotional opportunities and gratuitous amounts of drama – but for the first time in their careers, JYJ can say that their music is truly theirs. No trends driving their inspiration, no fangirl hormonal desires to feed. Say what you want about their business tactics, but at the very least, JYJ’s music is clean and honest.

Ree wrote an article earlier today about the possibility of JYJ re-integrating itself back into mainstream K-pop. For many people, this news is a cause for celebration – and for good reason: JYJ’s been through way too much crap and are way too talented to be denied of basic performing rights due to office politics and red tape. Personally, I did do a little fangirl squee when Leeteuk and Eunhyuk played “Chajatta” on Sukira. But at the same time, I’m really quite satisfied with the way things currently are. The flames between SM and JYJ are starting to cool – SM now only fancies itself the father of the prodigal son – but I reckon that they’re currently so busy taking care of their other kids so that reining back JYJ has become less of a priority. And while JYJ might not be completely satisfied with their current celebrity status, they’re starting to settle firmly into the roles of musicians and artists, rather than idols – and they’ve done the work to show it.

“In Heaven” isn’t a perfect song with a perfect MV. It doesn’t follow any trends and it’s not out there with the intent of winning any awards. It doesn’t boast flashy visuals with good-looking guys making bedroom eyes at the camera. In the most basic sense of the word, “In Heaven” isn’t a K-pop song, and JYJ isn’t a K-pop group. And thank goodness for that.


154218d4.gif   啊~因為英文我真的跟他不太熟啦!!我只能閱讀無法翻譯成文章




JYJ的"In Heaven":告別主流K POP

JYJ公佈了他們的新專輯的主打歌曲的音樂錄像,In Heaven,昨天。說實話,我是不是揮舞著,興奮地在新的視頻我的辦公桌上... ...但我很興奮,終於聽到一個“天人合一”的錄製,沒有不適當地放置在後台 fangirl慘叫灰頭土臉。

音樂錄像肯定是不是你的日常,腳踝深的K - POP的MV票價,這是肯定的東西,感謝。但在我看來,戲劇性質的視頻試圖競爭與戲劇性質的歌曲... ...到底,兩敗俱傷。 “In Heaven”是一個真正偉大的歌曲 - 可以說 JYJ迄今為止最令人印象深刻的作品之一 - 和MV拍攝得很好,儘管有一個痛苦老套的故事情節,。兩個獨立元件的MV - 歌曲和錄像 - 只是以正確的方式時,提出單獨的心弦拖船。但是,把它在一起,它往往貶低任一組件的成效。

雖然有時可能似乎並不喜歡它,我有很多JYJ。我真的。當然,我不同意用他們做的事情很多 - 起訴 SM,生產的暴行是“Ayyy女孩”,他們的貓的垃圾郵件通過 Twitter的照片... ...等等。我也不覺得他們和他們目前的狀況的所有壞。當然,它吮吸不斷在韓國的每一個電視網絡 cockblocked,他們可能已經在這幾年內更多的敵人比朋友在娛樂世界。從表面上看,JYJ的故事是非常悲慘的:他們放棄的最有名的K -POP出歷史亞洲流行行為之一的榮耀,使他們能夠追求他們真正的夢想 ... ...和回報,整個的K -POP出產業避免他們像大馬士革人群逃離三人的麻風病人。


正如有人花費了大量的時間,詳細研究的K -POP的,我覺得很難以同樣的方式查看,我認為最其他K - POP樂 JYJ的音樂。對我來說,K - POP是指整個的K - POP的頻譜,以及他們與每一個新的促銷概念的演變趨勢及其影響。在主流的K - POP,每一個“新鮮”的概念是從舊觀念,這是為什麼常常跨越冗餘和喧賓奪主的K - POP音樂的推導。但以同樣的​​方式,冗餘可以說是什麼讓一個忠實的fanbase更多回來。

早在其作為一個五元組的鼎盛時期,東方神起可以說是潮流的領導者,在主流的K - POP現場。但現在,JYJ已經脫離主流的K -POP走出自己,從而脫離自己的K - POP以及從主流趨勢。


目前的趨勢,基於 K - POP系統製造的方式,讓幾乎沒有音樂或藝術的靈活性,這是一個漂亮的sucky形勢下,當涉及到的K - POP的偶像,誰是清楚的東西,它比單純的最受歡迎獎或fangirls崇拜他們的腳。我更願意認為 JYJ離開 SM的主要的原因不只是金融,和它可能有一些東西做Jaejoong,Yoochun,和俊秀早已證明自己是主管音樂家喜歡 SM娛樂機構的範圍之外的音樂能力。

即使SM允許他們的藝術家之一,把一個即將到來的專輯的自我組成的工作,很少到專輯中的版本曲目,並往往退居獎金軌道土地上重新打包版本。不用說,有沒有在地獄 SM的方式(或任何其他流行的K -POP公司,對於這個問題,)曾經讓一個偶像的自我組成工作作為宣傳單服務。最終,K - POP藝術家作為趨勢的車輛 - 但是,如果目前的趨勢是定義自動調諧和光澤彈力褲的話,在“- TIC”結束 ... ...好,我想出來的,太。 。

JYJ的有效流放,從主流的K - POP現場,確定。但同時,他們也已經被釋放跟上的趨勢,為利潤而犧牲藝術性的負擔。最終的結果?一些促銷的機會和無償金額 - 戲劇,但在其職業生涯的第一次,JYJ可以說,他們的音樂是真正的他們。無趨勢,推動他們的靈感,沒有 fangirl荷爾蒙慾望飼料。說你想要對他們的商業策略,但最起碼,JYJ的音樂是清正廉潔

稀土元素寫了一篇文章今天早些時候關於 JYJ重新融入主流的K -POP出本身的可能性。對於許多人來說,這個消息是一個值得慶祝的事 - 和有很好的理由:JYJ的經過了太多的廢話,實在是太有才了基本表演權,由於辦公室政治和繁文縟節否認。就個人而言,我也做了一點 fangirl squee時 Leeteuk和銀赫飾演“Chajatta”上Sukira。但在同一時間,我真的很滿意的事情目前是。 SM和JYJ之間的火焰都開始降溫 - SM現在只能望梅止渴浪子的父親 - 但是我估計他們目前正在忙於照顧其他孩子的抑制,使回JYJ已成為優先。 ,而JYJ可能無法完全滿足他們當前的名人地位,他們開始定居牢牢地掌握到音樂家和藝術家的角色,而不是偶像, - 和他們所做的工作來證明這一點。

In Heaven”不是一個完美的歌曲,一個完美的MV。它不遵循任何趨勢,它不是在那裡贏得任何獎項的意圖。它不自誇華而不實的視覺效果,好看的傢伙在相機的臥室眼睛。在這個詞的最基本的意義上,“In Heaven”不是的K - POP的歌曲,和JYJ不是K - POP組。並表示感謝善良。







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