

Source: Sports Korea via Nate
Translation credit: DoctorJaee of JYJ3
Please do not add to, alter, or remove the credits.

JYJ Popularity Grows, ‘Even More Than it Appears’

[JYJ's] First Korean album has charted number 1 on Japanese music charts. This shows that the group JYJ’s popularity is still high in Japan.

The special edition of their first KoreanAlbum has taken the number 1 position on the November 14th chart of Japan’s largest music store, Tower Records. KARA’s album SuperGirl took second place, followed by Girl’s Generation’s photobook ‘Holiday’.

This album is a special edition of the album ‘In Heaven’ that was released in September. An explosion of record sales as well as a successful European Tour have showed the large amount of support that the fans have. This special edition includes remixes of the two title tracks “In Heaven” and “Get Out” as well as a DVD that also includes the music videos and making films.


[JYJ]韓國的第一張專輯,日本的音樂排行榜第一名。由此可見 JYJ 的在日本受歡迎程度是仍然很高。

11月14日,他們的韓國第一張專輯的特別版已在日本最大的音樂商店排行榜獲得第一名。第二名KARA的SuperGir,Girl’s的音樂寫真集, 後為少女時代寫真 ‘Holiday’。

 這張專輯是特別版專輯 "In Heaven",於今年9 月發行。爆炸的銷售記錄,以及成功的歐洲之行,表明大量的FANS的支持。本特別版包括"In Heaven"和"Get Out"的兩首混音特別版,以及還包括音樂視頻,MV拍攝花絮的 DVD。

日本和韓國一樣,將 11 月 21 日發行



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